** For All Your Vascular Ultrasound Needs in Newcastle/Port Stephens/the Hunter Valley **
AAA, arterial legs, mesenteric/coeliac arteries:
Morning appointment:
Fast from midnight the night before and please refrain from drinking any caffeine and fizzy drinks the day prior.
If a diabetic on tablets, have no diabetic tablets in the morning but have a light breakfast. If a diabetic on insulin, follow your normal insulin regimen.
Any medication that must be taken in the morning, please do so with a small sip of water only.
No smoking the morning of the appointment.
Afternoon appointment:
Fast for 6 hours prior to appointment time and please refrain from drinking any caffeine and fizzy drinks in the morning.
Attempt to have a light breakfast.
Any required medications during the fasting period please do take with a small sip of water only.
No smoking on the day until after your appointment.
Renal arteries:
These appointments are preferably booked in the morning.
Fast from midnight the night before and please refrain from drinking any caffeine and fizzy drinks the day prior.
If a diabetic on tablets, have no diabetic tablets in the morning but have a light breakfast. If a diabetic on insulin, follow your normal insulin regimen.
No smoking the morning of the appointment.
1 hour prior to your appointment please drink 500mLs of water only (this may be passed, ie doesn't need to be held in).
Carotid, Transcranial, AV Fistula and any vein scans:
Do not require any patient preparation.
Follow the fasting instructions for arterial legs.
In addition, please wear loose fitting clothing that you will be comfortable walking on a treadmill for a short period of time in (if required).
Footwear is not specific, as the exercise is performed without any footwear.